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Nájomné byty Dobrá Niva
o nás
About us

The company Termstav was founded in year 1991 by the separation of a state- owned company Termostav. The latter served from its founding(as a shareholding company in 1926 for many various specialized construction duties. Until the termination was in refractory linings, insulation against aggressive influences and industrial thermal insulation of cooling and Slovakia only supplie


It was active abroad as well.


Company Termstav keeps the tradition. Nowadays it is a modern shareholding company, which keeps itself amongst the successfull construction companies in Slovakia by its quality work and achievements. The founders of company are managers of construction companies with the experience in organizing the building of objects and managing working groups. The executive management is created by a group of experienced specialists in the construction business. The company has a classic structure- the management, executional, economical and technical division. It employs about 30 intern employees and sub- providing companies. The collective of shareholding   company during its existence showed its ability to manage and ensure construction of very difficult buildings. The amount of realized work in the last 3 years sums at about   3-4 million Euros.


In the area of quality it founded and applicates the system of managerial quality by the norm STN EN ISO 9001. This circumstance was approved by a certificated authority CERTOCOM from 11|8 2003 by issuing of a certificate. The rectificate (STANDARD)  ISO 9001/2000 has taken place in 2006.


In the means of its entrepreneurial certificatation and professional structure is the company TERMSTAV focused on projecting of buildings from architecturel designs, studies through preparatory documentation of constructions for area plans, projects of constructions for SP and realisations of buildings to complex enginerial services.

We project the whole scale of objects- ground buildings, th means administration buildings, operation buildings, hospitals, hotels, wellness, industrial halls, industrial objects, constructions for sport and recreation, business centres, apartment complex and houses.


For specialized work and supply of materials (HVAC, transformer stations, electrical installation, fire, intrusion detection, fire protection, ...), the company verified suppliers with which the work is made of the quality and agreed deadlines. 


The company allows to  realize a very wide spectrum of work: ground structures, projection and engineering, turnkey projects, industrial halls, sanation of concrete constructions, sanation of asbestos danger, demolition work, heat cladding and renovations of buildings, covering of buildings, ground work and communications.


TERMSTAV has ambitions to become a serious partner for investors and a respected competition at the same time by its work, guaranteeing of quality and keeping of set dates.

STN ISO 9001
ISO 9001/2000
produkty-čim sa zaoberame
Current projects
Nájomné byty Dobrá Niva


Products - what we offer
pozemné staviteľstvo
Ground constructions

In the area of ground constructions, the company orients itself at the building of industrial objects, retail centers, logistical, manufacturing and archival halls, as well as building of residential and apartment

based objects.

Propojektovanie a inžiniering
Projection and engineering

We project new- buildings as well as reconstructions. During projections, we take care about environment in the first place, as well as infrastructure and the level of green. We also aim at the clients imagination and fantasies, whereas we coordinate the functioness and duration due to our knowledge and set rules.

Stavby na kľúč
Keyturn buildings

Since year 2005 the company widened its executional program with the complete deliveries of turnkey for community, apartment and other constructional objects. By a turnkey construction we can offer you the choice of letting every problem of construction on us, including electrical installation, water installation, canalization, heating up to the ending of walls and boarding.

Priemyselné haly na kľúč
Turnkey industrial halls

The base of every building is a quality steel construction. The system of shelf- mounted halls offers wide- dimensional variations, either as a solo object, or a secondary object to already built buildings. They have a wide variety such as executive halls, car showrooms, etc. The acquisition prices are about the same as in the classic build-up, whereas the final costs are much lower. Another plus is the time saving of the construction, long- duration and the alternative of re- construction and re- location of the building.

Drevené konštrukcie
Wooden constructions and wooden buildings

For the construction of such a building, a much lower amount of time is needed- which saves the costs. Wooden houses save costs for heating in the first place. Aiming at the circumstance it is a dry process of construction, the house can be built during winter as well. It offers a great variety of buildings.

Zámočnícka výroba
Doorlock construction

We assure individual on- demand manufacture of different welded pieces, steel construction and its montage on the basis of made design documentation. For realization of these products, we have great manufacturing technologies, manufacturing and stock areas. Metal manufacture is a good choice for fences, front door, balustrades and their long durability.

Práškové lakovanie

We offer painting in every variety of RAL color, in every kind of shine and mat and the varieties of cover from plain to crank. For painting, we use professional painting  technique. We work with colors of extra chemical durability or so-called fasade colors with higher durability against UV shine.

Dust and wet painting
Práce v energetike
Sanácia bet. konštrukcií

We realize repairs of shine-work products such as boilers, capsule of breeching and chimneys melting and hardening ovens. We repair and reconstruct all types of industrial chimneys, we make shows of shining capsules and backing of protective boxes.

Work in energetics
Sanation of concrete constructions
Sanácia azbest. konštrukcií

We realize specials works- sanations of concrete and armored concrete surfaces. Due to diagnostics and judging of state of armored concrete constructions, we realize the suggestion of technology of sanation including the choice of right material. All of these actions are made in tight cooperation with investor and distributor of material.

Sanation of asbest danger

Company Termstav has the right issued by main hygiene mayor of Slovak republic , which gives it the right to move out the asbest danger in exterior- for example roof cladding and also in interior-  for example inside covers of walls.

Demolačné práce
Demolition works

We offer complex deals of construction works in the area of demolition, which include defining of proceedings with the accent on chosen demolition and recultivation of land. All are executed the way they eliminate the bearing of ecosystem in the least possible way and the sources of primary commodities with maximum agency on safety.

Zateplovanie a obnova budov
Opláštenia objektov

We provide complex realization of reconstruction of buildings, which means out sourcing of construction and system damages. We better the physical state of buildings, prolonge  its durability, higher the comfort of living, lower the activity expense and not in the last place they higher the market price of construction.

Heat cladding and reconstruction of buildings
Covering of objects
Izolácie stavieb

Covering of objects is mostly used in hall objects or modern administrative objects . The advantage of this kind of way is simple and fast montage, which arrives from low weight of sheer wall elements. Covering from termoisolating sandwich constructions might be realized from already made panels with isolation from polyuretan  dross or from mineral fibre or sandwich folded on-site. Cover is from purity iron in color

scale of RAL gamut.

Isolation of constructions

The sole realization of constructions is only progressed after the checking of object and realizing of the cause of wetness- state of roof, roof seduction, in-to canalization endings, state of flat and joist canalization, state of building material of given object. After the job evaluation of sanation of building is done. On the basis of concrete pointing of the cause the best method and amount of work is pointed out, whether there is a need to build out the wall. In case of historical buildings the process is different.

Zemné práce a komunikácie

We operate in earthworks road maintenance from the smallest to the larger projects. With the help of our machines we perform earth excavation, preparing the ground for construction work, digging foundations, swimming pools, rib of Water Infrastructure to sewer pipes, electrical wiring, gas connection,

powders and even other landscaping.

Earthworks and communication
Contact us

Are you interested in our offer? Contact our staff using the contact form if you want to learn more.

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Where are we?



Ambrova 8

831 01 Bratislava


+421 948 575 445

+421 2 / 20 75 80 35

Nadstavba Muškátová




KRD Area project Bratislava


Language / Jazyk


Nájomné byty Dobrá Niva

Konferencia o trvalej udržateľnosti SKGBC 


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